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Monday, March 14, 2016

Weather and Climate

 Weather and climate are very different. In this text you will find out how they are different, which factors affect climate and the types of climate. Read more to find out.
 There are very many types of climate: tropical climate, polar climate and temperate climate. A tropical climate is hot and rainy. A polar climate has very cold temperatures all through the year. A temperate climate usually has warm dry summers, and cold winters.
 There are also factors that affect climate. These are: the amount of sunlight an area receives, ocean currents, altitude or height above sea level, the higher you go the colder it gets, ocean and others water bodies and mountains
 Climate isn’t the same thing as weather. Weather is the condition of the atmosphere over a short period of time; climate is the average course of weather conditions for a particular location over a period of many years.
So, what happens if climate changes? There are many factors that will be affected by climate change including rising sea levels, drought and loss of agricultural land. Increasing temperatures caused by climate change will make the water of the oceans expand; ice melting in the Antarctic and Greenland will also contribute to the sea level. Sea levels could rise by as much as 25 to 50 cm, by 2100. Greater sea levels will threaten the low-lying coastal areas and large of areas of land will be at danger from flooding; causing people to leave their homes. Low lying areas in cities will be hugely affected by the rising sea. The effect on people will depend on how well we can adapt to the changes and how much we can do to reduce climate change in the world.

    Pedro Tiago Mell Anna 

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