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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Plant Cell

Labeled Plant Cell

Cell Wall -
Function: Maintain cell pressure and prevent over-expansion of cells
Cell Membrane-
Function: Protects the cell from surrounding
Chloroplast-Found only in plants
Function: Conducts photosynthesis
Cytoplasm -
Function: Site of multiple cell processes including, cell metabolism
Golgi Body/apparatus -
Function: Sorting, processing and modifying proteins
Rare in plant cells.
Function:help bbreak down nutrients and old cell parts.
Known to be the 'power house' or the 'storehouse of energy' of the cell, the mitochondria plays an important role in a cell.
Function: Energy production and conversion, regulates cell metabolism
Nucleus -
Function: Controls expression and transcription of the gene
Peroxisomes -
Membrane-bound packets of oxidative enzymes, the peroxisomes play a vital role in converting fatty acids to sugar. They also assist the chloroplasts in photo-respiration. Their functions include the glyoxylate cycle that occurs in germinating seeds and photo-respiration in leaves.

Function: Breakdown of metabolic hydrogen peroxide

Function: Protein builders and synthesizers

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum-
Similar to the structure of the rough ER, the smooth ER is a separate interconnected network membrane structure that is free from ribosomes. The SER transports material through the cell. It is also crucial in producing and digesting lipids and proteins.

Function: Manufactures and transports lipids
One large central vacuole.
Function: Regulates internal environment


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